Friday, May 24, 2013

Review: Falling In Reverse - Alone

               When I was a senior in high school, I discovered a band called Escape The Fate. The lead singer was Craig Mabbitt at the time, but Dying Is Her Latest Fashion was the album I was blaring. Ronnie Radke was the vocalist on that album so I did some research and found out that Ronnie went to jail and Craig (former lead singer for blessthefall) took his place. I liked Craig and all. I mean, This War Is Ours wasn't a bad album or anything, but there was just something about Ronnie's voice that I loved so when he was sprung from the big house, he started a new band called Falling In Reverse and I did what any loyal fan would do. I got the album, went to a show (2 hours away), and was really on his side....for a while. Then the whole thing with him and I See Stars happened (which you can read about in my blog archives) and that was it for me. I saw a side of Ronnie I didn't want to see and after that, Falling In Reverse fell off my radar.

                  Since then, Ronnie's douchbagery has been exposed in more ways than one, but he (somehow) still has fans. So many, in fact, that his band has nearly 1 million likes on facebook, he'll be touring with Hollywood Undead soon, his new album, Fashionably Late comes out in mid June and he'll be on Van's Warped Tour this Summer. I'm not happy about any of this, for obvious reasons, but when I heard FIR had a new video out for their new single, Alone, I had to watch it. I thought I would give them the benefit of the doubt and see if maybe he humbled or got his act together.

                    This is what I saw....

                       It's. Awful. I feel so bad for FIR fans. If any of you are reading this, it's time to jump ship. Seriously. And Epitaph records, it's time for you to get out, as well. Ronnie is giving you guys a bad name.

                   Let's break this video down in 12 steps, shall we?

1. It doesn't make any sense.
2. It sounds like bad Hollywood Undead mixed with oldddddd Escape The Fate.
3. Why does he jump out of car doing 10mph and then walk along side it?
4. What is that hair cut?
5. He's all of a sudden completely tatted from head to toe. When did that happen?
6. The chorus has absolutely NOTHING to do with the verses.
7. He has uggs on...
8. How much boasting can one person do in one song?
9. How much knocking of other people can one person do in one song?
10. The comments on the video are disabled. Hmm, wonder why!
11. The video has almost as many dislikes on youtube than it has likes.

                    As if that wasn't enough for you, since this video has been released Ronnie has fired every member of FIR and plans to replace them so he can still tour. Furthermore, every cent FIR makes from touring goes straight to Ronnie and no other members of the band. Don't believe me? Read about it here

                    Well, that's all I have to say about this horrid excuse for a song/video/band.

Until next time,

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Some Changes

Hey you! Just a quick note to let you know that if you're looking for my band/artist interviews, you'll no longer find them here. You'll have to go to for those now. This is going to be for my personal use from now on. The way I see it, Life Through Lyrics is me from a professional perspective where as this blog will now be me from a personal perspective. Make sense? I sure hope so. Be sure to tell your friends about the changes and leave your feedback on the new site! I think you'll really like it. I'm pretty proud of it. Just sayin'. ;) If you'd like to get involved in the new LTL Street Team, there are details about how to do so on my personal facebook which you can visit by clicking here, or you can just visit the LTL website. Also, Cori's blog is going to be more for her personal use as well since our new website basically includes everything we need all in one place. Cool, huh?

Just incase you're still confused, here's the deal:

Band/artist interviews and photography =
My personal blog = this.
Cori's personal blog/photography =
My poetry =


Life Through Lyrics = @_lifethroughlyrics
Me = @blairielouhoo
Cori = @cori_lynn_98

Contact me:

Contact Cori:

Thank you SO MUCH for all your help and support through everything and for sticking with us. It really means a lot.

All for now,