See those mysterious boys in black? They are Aeolia, a progressive metal band from Dallas, Texas. I realize that this may catch some of you by surprise since they're not a local band for me, but I've decided to branch out and do bands from all over now. I've had some great conversations with some really awesome people so far. Like Randy (second in from the right), for instance. Randy is the drummer for Aeolia and while I've only talked to him through Facebook and texts, he seems like a real down to earth sweetheart who's 100% invested in his music. If you ever get the chance to talk to him at a show, do it, and tell him I sent you. ;)
Unfortunately, since Randy is in Texas and I'm here in New Jersey, this is not a video interview. I'll wait while you sigh in disappointment and frustration. No, my friends. This is a simple written interview, but it's definitely something you're going to want to check out. ESPECIALLY if you're anywhere near Dallas, TX.
Enjoy! :]
NOTE: All Randy's answers are REAL and appear exactly as he typed them.
How did your band form?
Well, the band was founded with Parker and Nick. They had a side project going on and asked me to drum. I tried out and that same day Aeolia was formed!
How did Aeolia get its name?
The side project was named Aeolian Theory which is a natural minor scale. We all agreed that Aeolia was better considering the length of the name and appeal!
Biggest influences?
Periphery, Ever Forthright, The Contortionist, After the Burial, Deftones, Messhugga, Between the Buried and Me, Tesseract, Dream Theatre, Guthrie Govan.
Explain to be how progressive metal can be described as "the nature of the universe & the sound of electrons colliding to form a perfect balance of sound waves in the thoughts of the human brain" (taken from Aeolia's Facebook page).
That phrase came to be because of others thoughts on our music. We try to achieve being the one and only of our kind, which in turn leads to one of the kind descriptions of the music.
What song of yours is your favorite & why?
I would say Contortion because it has riffs and rhythms that defy what most bands base their writing off of. We veer away from standard intro, verse, chorus. In the song their is abstract synths, and brutal catchy parts.
How long did it take to write & produce "Entities"?
2 years. :)
Do you tour outside of TX?
Not yet, however this summer we intend to.
And where will you go?
Definitely New Orleans, Louisiana! My hometown, then make a circle through the south. If we can swing a full month then we will head up north!
Where do you typically play shows & when is your next one?
We try to play at larger venues however, a show is a show regardless and we love gaining new fans whether it be one, or 100. And the next shows will begin in February!
Who would you most like to share the stage with?
Periphery! They are all so talented and bring energy like no other to the stage.
Where can my readers find your music online?
You can find our music just about anywhere. Bandcamp, iTunes, amazon, spotify, rdio, etc.
Final thoughts?
My final thoughts would, that for anyone who is a musician. Always push yourself to be better, and create something that hasn't been done before. It will take awhile till you gain the respect, but when you do its the most rewarding feeling anyone could ask for. Your never too good to practice, and always make sure your band are your best friends. Relationships must exist within music.
I would like to thank Randy for granting me this interview.
I would also like to wish the best of luck to Aeolia.
If there's anything I can do for you guys, just let me know! :]