Hey guys! See those boys up there? They are Love Via Dance Machine from Boston, MA and I was fortunate enough to get an interview with them! Unfortunately it wasn't able to be a video interview, but that's okay by me! From left to right they are Alex, Wiley, Izaiah and Jimmy.
They all met while attending Berklee together in the fall of 2008 and formed their band just about a year later. Since then they have shared the stage with such musicians as We The Kings, A Rocket To The Moon and Drake Bell. They can also be seen in such magazines as Twist, Bop, Tiger Beat and J-14. Their Facebook page has over 25,000 likes and their cover of Die Young by Ke$ha has gotten over 50,000 views in just 3 months. I had some questions for the guys in LVDM and here's what they had to say. Enjoy!
NOTE: All the band's answers are REAL and have not been edited what so ever. They appear just as they were typed by the band.
1. I know you all met at Berklee in fall of 2008, but what made you want to start your band?We all shared a passion for blink-182 and pop music in general, we
also all got along as friends and wore the same clothes.
2. How did Love Via Dance Machine get its name?
There was a lyric in one of our first demos that said "We're
making love via dance" we thought it was a cool name for the band.
3. Who are your biggest influences?
We all have many individual influences but together we all love some
of the pop punk bands of the early 200's like Blink-182, New Found Glory, and
Fall Out Boy.
4. What is your favorite song that you have written and why?
We all love our new single that will be coming out in the next month
or so, it’s called "Crazy Over Me"
5. Where is your favorite place to visit on tour?
We love going to "In n Out Burger" there aren't any in the
northeast so it’s always a treat when we find one.
6. Who has been your favorite band/artist to share the stage with and why?
We really enjoyed touring with our friend Drake Bell. We loved his
shows growing up and it was cool to get to hang out with him and watch him
7. Do you consider yourselves to be one of this generation’s “boy bands”? Why or why not?
We don't consider ourselves to a "Boy Band" at all. We
play our own instruments and write all of our own songs however we have always
been fans of the classic boy bands like Backstreet Boys and Nsync.
8. Who do you find to be your main demographic?
We have found anyone from the age of 8 to 80 at our shows! We accept
all people and want to play to whoever will watch us.
9. What is the biggest crowd you have played for so far and where was it?
On our last tour called the "Shop Til You Rock" tour we
played at a mall in Houston
to over 1400 people. It was an awesome experience and we can't wait to go back.
10. When and where is your next show?
We are busy recording more songs right now so we haven't locked in
any shows for 2013 as of now, but make sure to look for us on tour this spring
and summer!
11. Where can my readers find your music online?
Go to our site http://www.lvdmonline.com and
that should take you to all our other sites like facebook/youtube/twitter
12. What can my readers look forward to from LVDM in 2013?
New music!
13. What advice do you have for bands just starting out?
Do anything you can to get more and more fans.
14. If your fans were to learn one thing from your music, what would you like it to be?
We just like to have fun and spread positivity with our music.
15. Do you feel your music accurately represents all 4 of you as people? Why or why not?
Definitely we all take part in the writing process and we look upon
our own lives and relationships for inspiration.
17. Final thoughts for my readers?
Make sure to check out all of our websites and like us on Facebook!
We love all of our fans <3
I definitely encourage you to check out LVDM. They're fun, quirky and cute. What more could you want? Due to technical difficulties, I was unable to embed a video of theirs below like I usually do, but I'll try again later. Hopefully it's just a temporary bug. =/
I would like to thank Alex, Wiley, Izaiah and Jimmy for being so awesome and granting me this interview. Thanks, guys! :]