Thursday, November 29, 2012

"I Refuse To Sink" [Seize The Day]

Hello again! As I'm sure most of you can probably tell, I've been on a local music kick for a little while now, except I don't really believe it to be a "kick". I would like to somehow, someday make this my profession, but until then I'll stick to my low budget camera and bands in the tri-state area. Anyway, hopefully you all checked out Seize The Day from Wilmington, DE by now. My interview with them is currently up on my youtube channel so go check it out if you haven't yet! I'll also embed the video at the bottom of this post because I like to try and make things convenient for you guys. :]

One thing you'll notice right away about the boys in Seize The Day...they're very young. In fact, the youngest member of the band, CJ, is only 14 years old! You wouldn't know it by their sound, though. I think it's great when I find young talent in any regard. Music, writing, art, anything at all really. It's just great and I'm happy that I can support these kids and give them a platform to stand on.

Now, while I'm of course going to encourage you to check out all the local bands and musicians I write about here, I do have to warn you that Seize The Day is somewhat heavy. There's a lot of screaming and moshing and pretty brutal drumming (yes, Ian, I'm talking about you). When you watch the interview you'll hear some music playing in the background. The first two songs that play are theirs. Due to technical difficulties, I was unable to use any of the footage I got to make a practice session video. I'm hoping to go see them over the weekend and get one. As soon as I do, I'll post it and let you all know so you can see them play. If you'd rather see them play live, they have a show coming up on December 15, 2012 with Us, From Outside and 7 other bands at School of Rock! 484 Century Blvd. Wilmington, DE. $10 to get in, Doors @ 6. Be there!

This is also acting at Seize The Day's EP release show! Their first EP, "I Refuse To Sink", drops December 12, 2012. All the guys are really excited about it. It's been in the making for about a year now and they beam with pride and excitement whenever they talk about it. I'm anxious to see how it comes out.

I would like to thank Shane, James F, James A, Richie, CJ and Ian
for being so great and letting me sit in on their practice and interview them. :]

Stay tuned for their practice session, to be posted soon!


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